Thibault Le Gentil

Mail : thibault.le-gentil at


  • 2020 – Master in Mechanics and Materials from Rennes 1 University
  • 2023 – Doctor of Mechanical Engineering from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Rennes et de Polytechnique Montréal, titled “Multi-criteria performance analysis methodology for decision-making on additive manufacturing of carbon fiber-reinforced PA parts”, supervised by Olivier Kerbrat and Daniel Therriault
  • 2024 – Post-doctorant at COSMER lab on the GreenDfAM project


My research work falls within the context of reducing environmental impact through the use of additive manufacturing (known as 3D printing). The aim of the GreenDfAM project is to develop decision-support tools for designers in the eco-design of metal parts. My research focuses on reducing environmental impact by lightening parts in the transport sector, which leads to lower fuel or energy consumption and reduced stress on the kinematic assembly.