WINDKEEPER : Ship of the future (2013-2017)
Scientific responsible at Cosmer : Dominique Millet
This research program was selected in the framework of the AMI (Interest manifestation call) Ship of the future in 2012 aims at developing a 50 m long ship that is specific to the maintenance of off-shore wind farms: the objective consists of designing an energy-efficient, eco-designed ship, allowing in a totally secure way to significantly increase the number of working days on the sea (more than 300 days a year) thanks to a combination of technologies (dynamic positioning, SWATH -Small Waterplane Area Twin Hull-, robot arm for unloading operations without contact with the wind turbine). The research work focuses on the modeling of environmental constraints and on an original approach to optimize the ship design from an environmental point of view. The budget is 280k€.

Windkeeper : Program of maintenance for offshore wind farms