Cooperative control of an ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) / USV (Unmanned Surface Vehicle) system connected by umbilical.

Charly Péraud, PhD student since Sept. 2022

mèl : charly.peraud at


– Master 2 ISC parcours Robotique et Objets Connectés
 – Graduate from l’Ecole Normale Supérieure de Rennes (mechatronics department)
 – Aggregation laureate in Industrial Engineering Sciences – Electrical Engineering Option since 2021


  • Cédric ANTHIERENS (Laboratoire COSMER), assistant-professor, HDR
  • Vincent HUGEL, full professor, Director of COSMER Lab

PhD topic 

    Title : Cooperative control of an ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) / USV (Unmanned Surface Vehicle) system connected by umbilical.
    I am currently working on the coordination of a robotic system including an ROV and a USV, a system that fit perfectly with different missions such as area recognition, underwater exploration or oceanographic measurement campaigns. The main objective would be to understand the mechanisms making it possible to give full autonomy to this kind of system, in order to exploit them as well as possible.
    This work is under the direction of Mr. Cédric ANTHIERENS, lecturer HDR (61st CNU section), and under the co-direction of Mr. Vincent HUGEL, University Professor and director of the COSMER laboratory.