7-06-2020 : Ornella au séminaire GT2 Véhicules autonomes

Les trois axes du GT2 (terre, mer et air) du GDR Robotique s’associent pour proposer un webinar le 7 juillet au matin sur la thématique des véhicules autonomes.

=> Nous vous invitons s’il vous plaît à envoyer vos propositions d’exposés (titre, orateur, et résumé).

Ces exposés auront lieu en direct, en visio-conférence (Webex).

09h00 – Introduction

09h05 – Miguel Angel SOTELO VASQUEZ – Université d’Alcala, Espagne
Titre : Perception for Cooperative Automated Driving – Analysis of Practical Issues

09h40 – KC Wong – Sydney University, Australie
Titre : UAV Design and Testing – the Sky’s the Limit…!

10h15 – Pere Ridao – Université de Gérone, Espagne
Titre : Underwater 3D Mapping and Intervention

10h50 – Pause

10h55 – G. Julio C. Betancourt, Laboratoire Heudiasyc UMR 7253, UTC, France
Titre: Visual tracking of a ground vehicle using an aerial vehicle

11h10 – Cécile Jourdas, Architecte système IA à Nexter Robotics, France
Titre : Navigation autonome en environnement rural et non balisé pour la robotique militaire terrestre

11h25 – Ornella Tortorici, doctorante laboratoire Cosmer, Université de Toulon, France
Titre : Contrôle compliant d’un ROV et de son câble instrumenté.

11h40 – Boussad ABCI – Université de Lille, laboratoire CRIStAL UMR 9189, France
Titre : Approche informationnelle pour la navigation autonome tolérante aux défauts. Application aux systèmes robotiques mobiles

11h55 – Fin demi-journée virtuelle

Information connexion Webex:
Lien de la réunion :
Numéro de la réunion : 137 393 6872
Mot de passe : GT2vehicles
Clé organisateur : 684794

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Presentations descriptions:

Title : Perception for Cooperative Automated Driving – Analysis of Practical Issues

Presenter : Miguel Angel SOTELO – Université d’Alcala, Espagne


Self-driving cars have experienced a booming development in the latest years, having achieved a certain degree of maturity. It is well known in the scientific community that the reliability and perception horizon of self-driving cars will be further enhanced by means of cooperation with other vehicles. Thus, Cooperative Automated Driving is expected to become the future of vehicle autonomy. The benefits of Cooperative Perception will be immense in mixed traffic environments, even for non-automated V2V-equipped and manually driven vehicles. This talk will analyze some of the practical issues affecting cooperative perception for collaborative automated driving. For such purpose, a bird-eye view of cooperative driving scenarios and technological constraints will be presented, followed by the discussion of experimental findings obtained in a series of real tests carried out with several V2V-equipped vehicles.

Brief Bio:

Miguel Ángel Sotelo received the degree in Electrical Engineering in 1996 from the Technical University of Madrid, the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering in 2001 from the University of Alcalá (Alcalá de Henares, Madrid), Spain, and the Master in Business Administration (MBA) from the European Business School in 2008. From 1993 to 1994, he held an Excellence Research Grant at the University of Alcalá, where he is currently a Full Professor at the Department of Computer Engineering. In 1997, he was a Research Visitor at the RSISE of the Australian National University in Canberra. His research interests include Self-driving cars, Cooperative Systems, and Traffic Technologies. He is author of more than 200 publications in journals, conferences, and book chapters. He has been recipient of the Best Research Award in the domain of Automotive and Vehicle Applications in Spain in 2002 and 2009, and the 3M Foundation Awards in the category of eSafety in 2004 and 2009. Miguel �! �ngel Sotelo served as Editor-in-Chief of the Intelligent Transportation Systems Society Newsletter (2013), Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine (2014-2016), Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (2008-2014), member of the Steering Committee of the IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles (since 2015), and a member of the Editorial Board of The Open Transportation Journal (2006-2015). He has served as General Chair of the 2012 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV’2012). He was recipient of the 2010 Outstanding Editorial Service Award for the IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, the IEEE ITSS Outstanding Application Award in 2013, and the Prize to the Best Team with Full Automation in GCDC 2016. At present, he is a Fellow of the IEEE and Past-President of the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society.

Title: UAV Design and Testing – the Sky’s the Limit…!
Presenter: Dr KC Wong, School of Aerospace, Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering, The University of Sydney, Australia

Brief Abstract:

This will present a brief introduction to the UAV Design and Testing activities at The University of Sydney over the last 3 decades. These range from UAV systems being used for education, research, and applications. Recent focus has been on developing innovative flight capabilities.

Brief Bio:

Dr KC Wong (BE(Aero), PhD, AFAIAA, FRAeS) is an Associate Professor at The University of Sydney, where he is the Deputy Head of School (Education), Director of Undergraduate Coursework, and the Director for Aeronautical Engineering within the School of Aerospace, Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering. He is a pioneering UAS (Unmanned Aircraft Systems) researcher in Australia, having been working on multidisciplinary airframe design and flight testing since 1988. He leads a small UAS research team and has international R&D collaborations. UAS designed and developed in his group have been utilised in several industry collaborative research projects. Dr Wong was the founding President of the industry-focussed Australian Association for Unmanned Systems (AAUS), and served in that role for seven years until 2015. He has a strong passion for enhancing skills for the next generation of aerospace engineers through his development of the Aeronautical Engineering curriculum with u! nique experiential learning opportunities.

Title: Underwater 3D Mapping and Intervention
Presenter: Pere Ridao, Université de Gérone, Espagne

Although commercial Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) are currently used routinely for opto / acoustic seafloor mapping in predominantly flat terrains, they can not operate in areas with significant 3D relief. Currently, only Remotely Operated Vehicles can be used for high resolution optical mapping of steep terrains, as well as for Inspection, Maintenance and Repair applications where manipulation is required. As research advances, some of these tasks solved nowadays with teleoperated vehicles, will be gradually achieved with autonomous robots. The future AUVs have to be able to build high resolution maps of arbitrary underwater 3D structures. From one side, this means that mapping algorithms to build 3D models from the opto / acoustic imagery are required, but also that is required to guide the robot close to the structure to make it visible by the cameras. Even more, future AUVs have to be able to safely move around submerged infrastructures, to inspect them as well a! s to perform manipulation tasks like grasping objects, turning valves and plugging connectors, paving the way to a new breed of vehicles, the so called Intervention Autonomous Underwater Vehicle.

Brief Bio:

Pere Ridao is the director of the Computer Vision and Robotics Research Institute (VICOROB), the head of the Underwater Robotics Research Center (CIRS) at the University of Girona (UdG) and a co-founder of Iqua Robotics SL devoted to the manufacture of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs). He served as the chair of the IFAC Technical Committee on Marine Systems (2014-2017) and as the chair of the spanish network about “Robotics and Automation for the Marine Industry” (AUTOMAR 2011-2015). Dr. Ridao research activity focuses on designing and developing Autonomous Underwater Vehicles for 3D Mapping and Intervention. During his career he has participated in several international research projects (TRIDENT, MORPH, PANDORA, EUMR, IAUV-CONTROL, SUNRISE/ LOON-DOCK, EUROFLEETS, CALDERA), international research networks (FREESUBNET, MOMARNET, ROBOACADEMY, STRONGMAR and EXCELLABUST), national research projects (AIRSUB, RAUVI, TRITON, MERBOTS, TWINBOT) and technology transfer pr! ojects (OPTIMAX, INSPECSUB, SOUNDTILES, ROBOTTNET-L3S).

Titre : Navigation autonome en environnement rural et non balisé pour la robotique militaire terrestre
Orateur : Cécile Jourdas, Architecte système IA à Nexter Robotics

Résumé : A l’échelle d’une dizaine d’année, l’armée de Terre espère intégrer dans ses troupes des robots terrestres capables de « démultiplier les effets du combattant sans le ralentir dans sa mission et lui permettre de se concentrer sur des taches à haute valeur ajoutée » ( https://antispam.utc.fr/proxy/2/Y2FzdGlsbG9AaGRzLnV0Yy5mcg%3D%3D/www.defense.gouv.fr/web-documentaire/2019-les-systemes-automatises/index.html ). Il est donc indispensable que ces véhicules bénéficient de la plus grande autonomie possible dans leurs déplacements. On ne compte plus les avancées portant sur les véhicules autonomes en milieu urbain balisé. Néanmoins, les théâtres d’opérations militaires répondent rarement à ces critères et des travaux ont été engagés à Nexter Robotics pour exploiter au mieux l’état de l’art de la détection de route tout en l’adaptant aux problématiques que! sont le manque de données terrain et la criticité de cette fonction. Cette présentation évoquera ces contraintes et les solutions envisagées.
Titre : Visual tracking of a ground vehicle using an aerial vehicle
Presenter : J. C. Betancourt, PhD Student, Heudiasyc Laboratory UMR 7253 France

Abstract :

Surveillance is a major concern nowadays for the development of autonomous vehicles (AVs) technology, in particular during prototyping stage. However, it is unclear what an effective strategy is for aerial imagery with drones. In this presentation, a scheme for aerial visual servoing of a mobile ground robot tracking a smooth vector field is proposed. The scheme is based on structural properties and constraints of both systems, such as a non-holonomy, nonlinear dynamics and underactuation. The result is aerial surveillance of an autonomous vehicle mimicking how we drive a real vehicle by redefining locally smooth velocity field toward the next target through admissible paths.