Associate professor, section 60 
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I graduated from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Ingénieur de Limoges in 2005 in the Mechatronics program. My final internship was done at IRSTEA in Clermont-Ferrand on the stability of vehicles in off-road environments. Subsequently, I defended my thesis in December 2013 on the Design of active stability support systems for vehicles operating in natural environments. This project, which was financially supported by the MSA (Mutuelle Sociale Agricole), was carried out under the direction of Christophe DEBAIN and the supervision of Roland LENAIN. I then joined the University of Toulon in 2014 as an associate professor.
My research work focuses on the development of observers to update parameters that may vary or to estimate variables that are not accessible through the use of a sensor. These observers are set up around a dynamic modeling adapted to the application. This consists, for example, in estimating the grip conditions of a vehicle operating in an off-road environment in order to more accurately predict the risks of instability (rollover, spinning, etc.) and therefore the subsequent development of predictive control to ensure the stability of the vehicle in question.
In the context of underwater robotics, the various research axes focus on the following objectives:
- Robust hydrodynamic analytical modelling of underwater vehicles
- The implementation of observation algorithms for the estimation of hydrodynamic parameters, forces and/or current direction.
- The development of mechatronic systems for the stability of vehicles operating in the surfing area (mechanical design and control algorithms)
Thesis supervision
- Nicolas Gartner, since Nov. 2016 (under the supervision of Vincent Hugel)
GMP department, Mechanical and Production Engineering, and GIM, Industrial Engineering and Maintenance
- Static mechanics (GIM),
- Fluid mechanics (GIM)
- Introduction to industrial robotics (GMP)
SEATECH Engineering school
- 2nd year : Vehicle dynamics course (Dynamic performance and behaviour, pneumatic modelling, analytical modelling, chassis design, chassis design, etc.)
- 3rd year : Introductory course on Lyapunov stability applied to the tracking of a car
Administrative responsibilty
I am responsible for the recruitment of new students in the GIM department (POST-BAC platform)