Associate Professor HDR 61st section
Phone :
e-mai : cedric.anthierens at
With an initial training in Mechanical Engineering (University of Le Havre and Besançon), I completed a DEA (post-graduate diploma) in Industrial Automation at INSA Lyon, which opened the door to a PhD in Microrobotics under the supervision of M. BETEMPS at the INSA Lyon Industrial Automation Laboratory (now the AMPERE Laboratory).
After an ATER post in mechanics at the IUT GMP in Aix-en-Provence, I joined SUPMECA Toulon as an associate professor in 2000 and worked in mechatronics research in the LISMMA laboratory (now QUARTZ) on the design of sensorimotor interfaces for virtual reality (50% co-supervision of a thesis) and home automation for energy management in commercial buildings (50% co-supervision of 2 theses).
In 2002, I initiated the creation of a final-year course in Robotics and Mechatronic Systems for ISEN and SUPMECA Toulon students, and was responsible for this course until the advent of SEATECH (merger of SUPMECA TOULON and ISITV) and the disappearance of SUPMECA Toulon (2016).
The mechatronic projects organized in large groups I supervised under this option have fuelled research projects such as the management of the lighting of an open space by automatic venetian blinds, the design of an underwater mini ROV (Babysub), as well as the creation of an autonomous sailing robot (MARIUS).
Since 2016…
Involved in the COSMER laboratory since its creation, I now work in the robotics area and more specifically on the following projects:
- Sensory navigation guide for blind kayakers,
- Active underwater umbilical management between ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) and USV (Unmanned Surface Vehicle),
- Trajectory planning for cooperative flotillas of underwater gliders for area coverage,
- Study of underwater caudal fin propulsion.
- Carthage Engineering School final year internship (May/Aug 2016) – BlueROV programming via National Instrument MyRIO board.
- SEATECH graduation project (4 students – Oct 2016 / Feb 2017) – Smart cable reel for subsea ROV.
- SEATECH final year project entitled BASTONE for the design of an aquatic traction rail with 6-axis force measurement (2021).
- Design of a low-cost USV (ISC ROC 2022 master’s project).
- Design of a bio-inspired robot based on the lower limbs of webbed alvians for walking and swimming (Seatech 2024 graduation internship).
- Regional thesis on the active umbilical (Ornella Tortorici 2021).
- CIFRE Defense thesis on underwater glider fleet planning (Aurélien Merci with Alseamar and DGA, 2023).
- Contrat Doctoral Spécifique Normalien thesis on coordinated ROV, umbilical and USV control (Charly Péraud 2025).
Scientific outreach
- ANR reporter for CIFRE.
- Member of Club EEA.
- Member of GdR MACS and Robotics.
- Reviewer for Ocean Engineering, Ocean, IROS, ICRA.
Collective Responsibilities
- Head of COSMER seminars (2018-2021)
- Member of the SEATECH School Council (2014-2018)</ li>
- Member of the Laboratory Council (2014 -)
- Member of the ED548 Doctoral School Council (2024 -)
I teach mechanics, automation, robotics and mechatronics at SEATECH in the 3 years of initial engineering training at the University of Toulon (Tronc Commun and course IMecaD et SYSMER).
Some of my teaching is done in the Digital Systems pathway of Seatech’s apprenticeship program, as well as in the Master 1 and 2 Ingénierie des Systèmes Complexes Robotique IA et Systèmes Embarqués (RISE) pathway and in the international Master 1 Mundus Marine and Maritime Intelligent Robotics (courses in English).
- Head of the ISC RISE Master 2 program since its creation in 2018 until 2023.
- Head of the 2-year Mechatronics and Robotics Systems – SYSMER course at Seatech since 2024.
Journal articles
- Aurélien Merci, Cédric Anthierens, Nadège Thirion-Moreau, Yann Le Page. Management of a fleet of autonomous underwater gliders for area coverage: From simulation to real-life experimentation. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 2024, 183, ⟨10.1016/j.robot.2024.104825⟩. ⟨hal-04943841⟩
- Aurélien Merci, Cédric Anthierens, Nadège Thirion-Moreau, Yann Le Page. Management of a fleet of autonomous underwater gliders for area coverage: From simulation to real-life experimentation. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 2024, pp.104825. ⟨10.1016/j.robot.2024.104825⟩. ⟨hal-04739792⟩
- Ornella Tortorici, Charly Péraud, Cédric Anthierens, Vincent Hugel. Automated Deployment of an Underwater Tether Equipped with a Compliant Buoy–Ballast System for Remotely Operated Vehicle Intervention. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2024, 12 (2), pp.279. ⟨10.3390/jmse12020279⟩. ⟨hal-04451182⟩
- Aurélien Merci, Cédric Anthierens, Nadège Thirion-Moreau, Yann Le Page. A simulator of underwater glider missions for path planning. Ocean Engineering, 2023, 269, pp.113514. ⟨10.1016/j.oceaneng.2022.113514⟩. ⟨hal-03923798⟩
- Ornella Tortorici, Cédric Anthierens, Vincent Hugel, Herve Barthelemy. Towards active self-management of umbilical linking ROV and USV for safer submarine missions. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 2019, 52 (21), pp.265 - 270. ⟨10.1016/j.ifacol.2019.12.318⟩. ⟨hal-02428777⟩
- Cédric Anthierens, Didier Groux, Vincent Hugel. Guide sensoriel de navigation pour kayakistes non voyants. Science & Sports, 2018, 5953 (1001), pp.S1-S48. ⟨10.1016/j.scispo.2018.03.058⟩. ⟨hal-01856518⟩
- Cédric Anthierens, Didier Groux, Vincent Hugel. Sensory navigation guide for visually impaired sea kayakers. Journal of Field Robotics, 2018, 35 (5), pp.732--747. ⟨10.1002/rob.21775⟩. ⟨hal-01701795⟩
- Maximilien Leclercq, Etienne Arnal, Cédric Anthierens, Eric Bideaux. Control of visual conditions for open-plan offices. Mechatronics, 2011, 21 (3), pp.581-593. ⟨10.1016/j.mechatronics.2011.02.006⟩. ⟨hal-00747390⟩
- Cédric Anthierens, Maximilien Leclercq, Eric Bideaux, Luc Flambard. A Smart Sensor to Evaluate Visual Comfort of Daylight into Buildings. International Journal of Optomechatronics, 2008, 2 (4), pp.413 - 434. ⟨10.1080/15599610802438672⟩. ⟨hal-00368284⟩
- Jean-Marc Linares, Cédric Anthierens, Jean-Michel Sprauel. Synthesis of tolerancing by functional group. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 2002, 21 (4), pp.260 - 275. ⟨10.1016/S0278-6125(02)80166-2⟩. ⟨hal-01408879⟩
Conference papers
- Charly Peraud, Martin Filliung, Cédric Anthierens, Claire Dune, Nicolas Boizot, et al.. IMU-based Monitoring of Buoy-Ballast System through Cable Dynamics Simulation. 2024 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2024), Oct 2024, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. ⟨hal-04756297⟩
- Charly Peraud, Cédric Anthierens, Vincent Hugel. Cable Lobe Detection in a ROV/USV Tethered System Using IMUs and Compliant Buoy-Ballast Equipment. 4th workshop on RObotic MAnipulation of Deformable Objects : beyond traditional approaches (ROMADO), Oct 2024, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. ⟨hal-04768235⟩
- Ornella Tortorici, Cédric Anthierens, Vincent Hugel. A new flex-sensor-based umbilical-length management system for underwater robots. European Conference on Mobile Robotics, Sep 2023, Coimbra, Portugal. ⟨hal-04206906⟩
- M. Naveau, Cédric Anthierens, Elodie Pauly, P. Courmontagne. Marius Project. Proceedings of OCEANS’13, 2013, Unknown, Unknown Region. pp.2324-2329. ⟨hal-01723811⟩
- Cédric Anthierens, Elodie Pauly, F. Jeay. Marius: A sailboat for sea sailing. Proceedings of the International Robotic Sailing Conference, 2013, Unknown, Unknown Region. pp.3-12. ⟨hal-01723815⟩
- Etienne Arnal, Pierrick Der Arslanian, Cédric Anthierens, Eric Bideaux. Contrôle coopératif des actionneurs de confort optique pour la régulation de l’ambiance lumineuse dans une pièce. La révolution énergétique des bâtiments, Nov 2011, Gif-Sur-Yvette, France. 6p. ⟨hal-01723839⟩
- Etienne Arnal, Cédric Anthierens, Eric Bideaux. Consideration of glare from daylight in the control of the luminous atmosphere in buildings. AIM, Jul 2011, Budapest, Hungary. pp.1070 - 1075, ⟨10.1109/AIM.2011.6027070⟩. ⟨hal-00742575⟩
- Cédric Anthierens, Jean-Claude Antonioli, C. Falaschini, F. Khattout, C. Lainé. Conception d’une chaise orientable pour l’immersion virtuelle. CFM 2009 - 19ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Aug 2009, Marseille, France. ⟨hal-03391293⟩
- Maximilien Leclercq, Cédric Anthierens, Eric Bideaux, Luc Flambard. Design of a Visual Comfort Sensor for Daylighting Devices. 17th IFAC World Congress, Jul 2008, Séoul, South Korea. ⟨10.3182/20080706-5-KR-1001.1025⟩. ⟨hal-00375838⟩
- Maximilien Leclercq, Cédric Anthierens, Eric Bideaux, Luc Flambard. Control of optic comfort in an experimental room. MECATRONICS, May 2008, Le Grand Bornand, France. ⟨hal-00375896⟩
- Yves Dupuis, Cédric Anthierens, Jean-Luc Impagliazzo, Lyudmyla Yushchenko. Design of a sensorial and driving locomotion interface. World Congress, 2005, Unknown, Unknown Region. pp.1406--1406. ⟨hal-01282777⟩
- Lyudmyla Yushchenko, Jean-Luc Impagliazzo, Christian Toussaint, Cédric Anthierens. The Dynamic Wavelet Train Tracing Method in Virtual Acoustics”, 5 th EUROSIM congress on modelling and simulation. 5 th EUROSIM congress on modelling and simulation, 2004, Unknown, Unknown Region. pp.54--56. ⟨hal-01282779⟩
- Lyudmyla Yushchenko, Jean-Luc Impagliazzo, Cédric Anthierens. Design of an advanced scientific simulator equipped with immersive interfaces. Application to a micromanipulation task. Mecatronics’03, 2003, Unknown, Unknown Region. pp.38--43. ⟨hal-01282781⟩
HDR thesis
- Cédric Anthierens. Conception de systèmes mécatroniques pour l'interaction humaine. Automatique / Robotique. Université de Toulon, 2020. ⟨tel-02999696⟩