
Associate professor

offices: GM-111 & M-130
phone: +33(0)-494-142-360 / +33(0)-483-166-630
e-mail: sebastien.campocasso ‘at’ univ-tln.fr
personal webpage: cv.archives-ouvertes.fr/sebastien-campocasso


Former student of the ENS Cachan (currently ENS Paris-Saclay) and doctor of the ENSAM in “Mechanical Engineering – Manufacturing Processes”, I am currently associate professor (CNU 60 / Mechanical engineering) at the University of Toulon. Active at the international level, I also participate in national networks such as Manufacturing’21 and the GIS S-mart (formerly AIP-Primeca).

After more than five years of research at LaBoMaP (ENSAM Cluny) on experimental analysis and modelling of metal cutting, I began to work on new research topics when I join the COSMER laboratory in September 2015.


My current research works focus on the development of design and trajectory planning methods for additive manufacturing, and more particularly for multi-axis wire deposition. This topic constitutes a federative research axis for the COSMER laboratory and involves ressources from the MAQ-3D platform (located at the SeaTech engineering school), and also the Additive manufacturing robot-based WAAM cell.

PhD thesis co-supervision

  • Alexis Claude (June 2022-), 30% – under supervision of Prof. Vincent Hugel and co-supervision of Ass. Prof. Maxime Chalvin
  • Lewis Andurand (defended on August 31st 2023), 40% – under supervision of Prof. Vincent Hugel and co-supervision of Ass. Prof. Matthieu Museau
  • Maxime Chalvin (defended on July 9th 2020), 70% – under supervision of Prof. Vincent Hugel
  • Myriam Orquera (defended on Dec. 9th 2019), 50% – under supervision of Prof. Dominique Millet

Supervision of master thesis

  • Alexis Claude (Dec.2020 – Oct.2021), 100%
  • Ugo Bourgon (March – Sept. 2021), 30% – Co-supervised by M. Chalvin & R. Grèze
  • Laura Jean-Baptiste (Sept. 2020 – March 2021), 30% – Co-supervised by M. Chalvin & R. Grèze
  • Maxime Chalvin (April – July 2017), 100%

Supervision of interns

  • Léo Nicolle (Mines d’Alès, May-July 2024), 30% – Co-supervised by M. Chalvin and T. Guelle
  • Federico Orlacchio (Centrale Lyon / Politecnico di Torino, April-July 2020), 50% – Co-supervised by Myriam Orquera
  • Edouard Maragnon (CESI Nice, October 2019), 30% – Co-supervised by Maxime Chalvin
  • Nicolas Miséricordia (IUT Toulon, April-June 2019), 50% – Co-supervised by Maxime Chalvin

Research projects and fundings

  • CAP-AM (French research agency ANR, 2024-2028)
  • Fonds innovation achats (2023)
  • I3D-COR (Segula Technologies, 2020-2021)
  • AEROWAM (Segula Technologies, 2020-2021)
  • Grant for a research stay in Germany (DAAD, 2019)
  • ROBWELD (Département du Var, 2019)
  • BeShape (French research agency ANR, 2019-2023)
  • ROBOWAM (Metropolis TPM & Poly-Shape company, 2018-2020)

Scientific Collaborations

  • Collaboration with the “Machine Design and Production Engineering” unit (GMECA) of the University of Mons (Belgium) since May 2021. Research stay of François Ducobu in Toulon in September 2023 (Invited professor).
  • Collaboration with the “Mechatronic Systems and Processes” team of the ISW institute of the University of Stuttgart (Germany) on 2021-2022. Research stay of Frederik Wulle in Toulon in July 2021 (Procope Mobility).
  • Collaboration with the research group “Assembly and Production Automation” of the IWF institute of the TU Braunschweig (Germany) on 2018-2019. Research stay in Germany in November-December 2019.

Scientific outreach

Collective and administrative responsibilities

  • In charge of Research valorisation and Innovation for the University of Toulon, since March 2024
  • Representative at the Scientific commission of the University of Toulon, 2019-2023
  • GMP dept. representative at the CARTT council (Funding for applied Research and Technology Transfer) of IUT of Toulon since January 2019
  • COSMER lab. representative at the MEDD Thematic Pole council (Sea, Environment, Sustainable Developement) of Toulon University since Sept. 2016
  • In charge of studies continuation post-graduation from the GMP dept. of IUT of Toulon since Sept. 2020


Most of my teaching activities are provided at the GMP department (mechanical engineering) of the IUT of Toulon (institute of technology) and related to the following subjects: manufacturing engineering (~60%), IT (~20%), metrology/non-destructive testing (~20%), as well as student projects management. I also work in the IMecaD (mechanical design) and MDE (materials) programs at SeaTech engineering school, as well as in the CAPPI professional bachelor degree.

Recent publications

Full list and download links available at: cv.archives-ouvertes.fr/sebastien-campocasso

  • Peer-reviewed journal articles:
    • S. Campocasso, M. Chalvin, U. Bourgon, V. Hugel, M. Museau. Manufacturing of a Schwarz-P pattern by multi-axis WAAM. CIRP Annals – Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 72/1, pp. 377-380, 2023
    • M. Orquéra, F. Albrand, C. Lasso, D. Millet, S. Campocasso. Advanced optimisation of a mechanical product for its additive manufacturing. International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing, Vol. 17/4, pp. 1721-1740, 2023
    • M. Chalvin, S. Campocasso, V. Hugel, T. Baizeau. Layer-by-Layer Generation of Optimized Joint Trajectory for Multi-Axis Robotized Additive Manufacturing of Parts of Revolution. Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Vol. 65, pp. 101960, 2020
    • M. Orquera, S. Campocasso, D. Millet. Some principles to optimise an additively manufactured multi-component product. Journal of Engineering Design, Vol. 31/4, pp. 219-240, 2020
  • International conferences with proceedings:
    • A. Claude*, M. Chalvin, S. Campocasso, V. Hugel. Substrate shapes generation for additive manufacturing of medical corsets tailored to various patient morphologies. 6th CIRP Conference on Biomanufacturing (CIRP BioM), July 11-13, 2024, Dresden (Germany). Procedia CIRP, Vol. 125, pp. 266-271, 2024.
    • L. Andurand*, V. Hugel, S. Campocasso, M. Museau. Support-free-material path generation for DED processes from facetized data. 16th CIRP Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering (ICME), July 13-15, 2022, Online (Italy).
    • M. Chalvin*, F. Wulle, S. Campocasso, A. Elser, V. Hugel, A. Verl. Orientation smoothing in multi-axis additive manufacturing. 55th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems (CMS), June 29th – July 1st, 2022, Lugano (Switzerland). Procedia CIRP, Vol. 107, pp. 357-362, 2022.
    • M. Orquera*, S. Campocasso, D. Millet. Topological Optimization of a Mechanical System with Adaptive Convergence Criterion. 10th International Joint Conference on Mechanics, Design Engineering and Advanced Manufacturing (JCM 2020), June 2-4, 2020, Online (France). Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, AMDEM III, JCM 2020, pp. 86–91, 2021.
    • M. Chalvin*, S. Campocasso, T. Baizeau, V. Hugel. Automatic Multi-Axis Path Planning for Thinwall Tubing through Robotized Wire Deposition. 12th CIRP Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering (ICME), July 18-20, 2018, Gulf of Naples (Italy). Procedia CIRP, Vol. 79, pp. 89-94, 2019
    • S. Campocasso*, M. Chalvin, A.-K. Reichler, R. Gerbers, K. Dröder, V. Hugel, F. Dietrich. A Framework for Future CAM Software Dedicated to Additive Manufacturing by Multi-Axis Deposition. 6th CIRP Global Web Conference (CIRPe), October 23-25. Procedia CIRP, Vol. 78, pp. 79-84, 2018
    • M. Orquera*, S. Campocasso, D. Millet. Design for Additive Manufacturing Method for a Mechanical System Downsizing. 27th CIRP Design Conference, May 10-12, Cranfield (UK). Procedia CIRP, Vol. 60, pp. 223-228, 2017
  • International conferences:
    • S. Campocasso*, B. Ostré, D. Millet, V. Hugel. A design optimisation method for direct metal deposition. CIRP General Assembly Part II (STC Dn), August 22-24, Birmingham (UK), 2019
  • French conferences with proceedings:
    • A. Claude*, S. Campocasso, M. Chalvin, M. Demésy. Méthode de qualification de stratégies de fabrication pour l’obtention de murs épais en WAAM (10 p.). Conférence Manufacturing’21, 19-20 Octobre, Saclay (France), 2022
    • M. Chalvin*, A. Claude, S. Campocasso, V. Hugel. Gestion de la température couche-par-couche pour la fabrication additive WAAM (10 p.). Conférence Manufacturing’21, 10-11 Juin, Online (France), 2021
    • M. Chalvin*, S. Campocasso, V. Hugel, T. Baizeau. Génération de trajectoire pour l’ajout d’entités par fabrication additive robotisée multi-axes (6 p.). 16ème Colloque national S-mart (AIP-Primeca), 3-5 Avril, Les Karellis (France), 2019
    • S. Campocasso*, V. Hugel, B. Vayre. Génération de trajectoires pour la fabrication additive par dépôt de fil robotisé multi-axes – Application à une tubulure torique (5 p.). 15ème Colloque national AIP-Primeca, 12-14 Avril, La Plagne (France), 2017